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Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding our services, please contact us by filling out the following form, calling or e-mailing us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
Lynnea Hagen
Abundance Coaching
Phone: (408) 975-9930
Fax: (408) 975-9930
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print_r ($HTTP_GET_VARS);
print_r ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
echo "";
if (!$email)
$error_message .= "Primary Email is missing... ";
#patterns for name, domain and top-level domains
$_name = "/^[-!#$%&\'*+\\.\/0-9=?A-Z^_`{\}~]+";
$_host = "([-0-9A-Z]+\.)+";
$_tlds = "([0-9A-Z]){2,4}$/i";
#check validity of email format
if ( !preg_match($_name."@".$_host .$_tlds,$email) )
$error_message .= "Primary Email has incorrect format! ";
if ($error_message != NULL)
echo $error_message." ";
else // send confirmation e-mail
// send confirmation message to Foot Rescue
$emess = "\n";
$emess .= "Abundance Coaching: \n";
$emess .= "Please add me to the Free Weekly Success Tips mailing list: \n";
$emess .= "\n";
$emess .= "\n";
$emess .= "First Name: | ".$name." | \n";
$emess .= "Primary Email: | ".$email." | \n";
$emess .= " | \n";
$emess .= "\n";
$subject = "New Subscription for Free Weekly Success Tips";
$ehead = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$ehead .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
$ehead .= "From: ".$email."\r\n";
$mailsend = mail("lynnea@abundancecoaching.net","$subject","$emess","$ehead");
// send message to client
$emess = "\n";
$emess .= "".$name." --I'm so happy you chose to receive the weekly 'Abundance and More' Success Tips. Your information has been sent to The Abundance Company. If you do not receive a timely response, please contact The Abundance Company directly at (408) 975-9930. To Your Success! Lynnea Hagen \n";
$emess .= "\n";
$subject = "Thank You from Lynnea Hagen, The Abundance Company";
$ehead .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
$ehead .= "From: lynnea@abundancecoaching.net\r\n";
$mailsend = mail("$email","$subject","$emess","$ehead");
For a limited time!
Receive free:
A copy of Lynnea’s latest book for individuals and teams: STUCKNESS—140 Insights & Tips to Get Unstuck, Get Going, Get What You Want. A $20. value.
AND enroll in the free “Achieve Your Dreams” webinar--inspiration, steps and tools to create an awesome vision for the year, and create a plan to achieve it...and more!
Please subscribe me to the book and webinar.
"The truth is that there is much more strength and power in the individual than he has ever known or even visualized as a possibility."
(Norman Vincent Peale) |