Winng the Game of Inner Leadership–Part 1

Winning The Game of Inner Leadership-Part 1
I’m inspired. I spent 3 days in Canada being mentored by one of my “gurus”, Dr. Lance Secretan, and now I’m inspired to coach and teach others to find and unleash their greatness, using Lance’s program, “Higher Ground Leadership”.

I am happy to report that the emerging model of leadership is based on honoring self, others, and the world. I call this “Abundance Leadership” and it’s evolving in organizations around the globe. It’s leadership that doesn’t motivate others, but, rather, inspires them. Not only does it honor everyone involved, but it’s also great for the “bottom line”.

So, I’m inspired. My ongoing work is to teach and coach people (and their organizations!) to honor themselves and others so we can ALL help make our planet a better place.

Here’s one of Lance’s videos to get you inspired to stretch yourself into greatness. See below for steps to get started.

Inner Leadership First–Bite Into Self Discipline
From leadership expert, John Maxwell: The first person you lead is you–and you can’t do that effectively without self discipline.The Israelites wandered around the desert for 40 years not because it was so far away–they could have made the trip in two weeks! The real reason is preparation–they simply weren’t ready! They weren’t self-disciplined!

How about you? How prepared are you to go after blessings that aren’t that far off? Plato said, “The first and best victory is to conquer self”. If you want to be a leader, start with these action steps:

1. Develop and follow your priorities
2. Make a disciplined lifestyle your goal
3. Challenge your excuses
4. Remove your rewards until you finish the job
5. Stay focused on your dream!
6. Never trade what you want at the moment for what you want most!