Plug in and Power Up For Abundance Leadership!
Abundance Leadership…what does this mean? It’s the title of my 2008 “live-talk” radio interview series on… a title that my producer, Stephan Jacob, and I created. But it’s more than a title, it’s a way of being as a leader. Its outgrowth is a culture of leadership that honors the human-ness of each person, and has as its hallmark the commitment to the growth and excellence each individual. Its symptoms are servanthood, self respect, respect of others, authenticity, courage, integrity, communication, caring, and effectiveness.
If this sounds like fantasy, I’m happy to report that it’s not. Numerous organizations are embracing the values and behavior of Abundance Leadership, and are reaping the benefits. What benefits? How about improved efficiency and productivity, lower employee turnover, higher customer retention, higher revenue and profits?
I kicked off my 13-week radio show on August 26th, 2008, with an overview of Abundance Leadership, armed with research, writings and experience of some incredible consultants, coaches, CEO’s and authors. Since then, I have interviewed Marshall Goldsmith about the mistakes that leaders make which limit their effectiveness and growth (professional AND personal growth). I’ll write more about this entertaining and interesting conversation with Marshall in a later post. Stay tuned!