The “No-Recession” Seeds of Success!

I’m passing along something I recently received from Mark Victor Hansen:

“I recently saw a great bumper sticker that said ‘I heard there was a recession coming; I’ve decided not to participate‘. It’s true, we may currently have an economic challenge going on in our culture, however, you can choose not to participate. You can acquire the tools and skills that you need to ride out this economic storm and learn how to become even more successful.
A great mentor of mine, Napoleon Hill, once said ‘In every negative event is the seed of an equal or greater benefit.’ Here we have this negative event but there is still a seed of possibility for you to create something totally new in your life. We are in a time of economic winter. What does a farmer do in winter? He fixes the tools, sharpens the saw, fixes the tractor, and thinks about what he’s going to plant when spring comes. What are the seed thoughts and behaviors you are planting in your life?
If you’re ready to plant the seeds to improve yourself and would like some help along the way, I’d like to encourage you to hire a personal coach.” ~ Mark Victor Hansen


I am expert in helping you apply The Success Principles, the Law of Attraction, The One Page Success Plan, and other tools to your own challenges and situation. Imagine what you can accomplish working one-on-one with your own accountability partner, coach, guide, strategist, confidante, and trainer!

Now is the perfect time to gain new skills and take charge of your life. I invite you to receive a free introduction to my coaching program by calling 1-408-975-9930, or by clicking here.
As you can imagine, the demand to work with me & my programs has increased in the last few months. I’d recommend you to sign up now to ensure you can get started right away.

I celebrate your decision to take your business, your life to the next level!
