Want Proof of the Power of Business Coaching?

I was just going through some old files, and found some interesting stats.
With powerful new Leadership Coaching programs that are now available (including, the best, and the one that that I teach and coach, Higher Ground Leadership), I must believe that these numbers are even higher now. Check out the “Why, Be, Do” of Higher Ground Leadership, and give me call if you are prepared to take your business and your life to a much higher AND DEEPER level!

Here’s your proof:

“Coaching programs make a significant difference in overall organizational effectiveness by improving teamwork and ability to execute strategy. Coaching is particularly effective when it is focused on driving behavioral change…”
~ Alec Levenson, Scientist and Researcher at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California. ~

• Fortune 1000 companies report ROI for coaching services:
– Monetary return was 12 times the coaching investment
– 71% improved relationships with their bosses
– 77% reported improved relationships with their direct reports
~Research performed by Manchester Consulting 2006~

Most importantly, good coaching programs not only make organizations more productive and profitable, but  the “Higher Ground Leadership” program makes profound, positive differences in the lives of the people involved..in and out of the work place.